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SHA-HAB Kits for Harmful Algal Blooms

The SHA-HAB single-use analysis kit detects harmful organisms most commonly associated with major blooms in sea water and fresh water, including the major toxin producers. The capture probes hybridize to nucleic acid sequences for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). In theory, it should be possible to devise such probes for almost any organism. The developer may also determine rRNA sequences that represent almost any taxonomic level (species, subset of species, genus, family, etc.).

Saigene's SHA/UAP architecture enables multiplexing for simultaneous detection of multiple targets. With up to 24 individual capture prongs available in a single run, the user can trade off the number of detection targets, the number of samples, and the number of redundant tests and controls.


Pseudo-nitzschia genus

These diatoms are associated with the production of the neurotoxin domoic acid, causative agent of amnesic shellfish poisoning.

  • P. australis

  • P. pseudodelicatissima/multiseries complex

  • P. pungens

  • P. multiseries


Alexandrium genus 

These marine dinoflagellates are the most numerous and widespread saxitoxin producers and are responsible for blooms that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, among other harmful effects.

  • A. tamarense/catenella/fundyense (North American Ribotype)

Cocholodinium polykrikoides

This "red tide" dinoflagellate causes large-scale fish kills and damage to coral reefs.

Gymnodinium aureolum

This unarmored dinoflagellate forms blooms and produces toxins.

Karenia genus

These dinoflagellates form "red tides" and produce brevetoxins, responsible for neurotoxic shellfish poisoning.

  • K. brevis

  • K. milimotoi

  • K. selliformis

  • K. papilionacae

Karlodinium veneficum

This tiny dinoflagellate produces harmful karlotoxins and can cause harmful algae blooms and major fish kills.


Heterosigma akashiwo

This micro-alga forms toxic blooms that appear as "red tides" that can drastically affect fisheries.

Fibrocapsa japonica 

This micro-alga produces fibrocapsine, a neurotoxin, and forms "red tides."

Chattonella antiqua/subsalsa

These Raphidophytes can produce brevetoxin-like compounds, forming blooms known as "brown tides" associated with large-scale fish kills and toxin uptake by shellfish.


Marine bacterioplankton

The SHA probe for this broad taxonomic family enabled ecological studies on the cyclical behavior of various marine planktonic populations to help elucidate timing of matter and energy transformation in the marine environment.

Kit Contents

Single-Use Components


  • 10 each: Pre-coated 12-prong strips with customer-specified organism probes to support customer-specified number of target prongs, replicates, and controls (store at 2º-8º C)

  • 10 each: 96-well microtiter plates, prefilled with reagents (store at 2º-8º C)

    • Hapten-labeled signal probe

    • ​Anti-hapten horseradish peroxidase enzyme (HRP) conjugate for signal development

    • TMB reporter dye for visual or instrumented assessment (650 nm)

    • Sulfuric acid for higher sensitivity TMB spectrometric reading (450 nm)

Additional Reagent​


  • 10 vials of lysis buffer​​, each sufficient for 20 sample filters

HAB-Related ​Probes

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